At Queensway Primary School we offer a curriculum that is enquiry and skills based, developing and expanding the core knowledge that is set out in the 2014 national curriculum. It reflects the needs and interests of our children and is often inspired by those needs and interests. It is, by its nature, an evolving and flexible curriculum, that provides a progressive development of skills and knowledge, and seeks to build on the prior knowledge and learning of the pupils at our school. All pupils should be excited by the learning opportunities the curriculum provides, and be enabled to make good progress in an inclusive, nurturing and stimulating environment. We seek to develop opportunities for pupils to become independent, take risks and be curious about the world they live in so that they will all become happy, successful and confident learners. Due to the increasing number of children entering school with limited speech and language skills, our curriculum has oracy and literacy at its heart. We methodically build the knowledge that pupils need to read fluently and with understanding, building generic and specific vocabulary. Our English core texts drive learning in other areas of the curriculum (where appropriate). We use a Learning Challenge approach to teaching in these areas which includes an over-arching ‘Big Question’. Provocative Statements encourage debate and show British Values in action, teaching children how to be democratic, valuing individual liberty, showing mutual respect and tolerance and following the rule of law.
Curriculum Intent - What are we trying to achieve?
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is inspiring
Through a variety of approaches, which include theme days, educational visits, practical and real life experiences and outdoor learning, in our school and the local environment, teachers plan activities that engage and stimulate children’s learning whilst enriching the curriculum content in a creative, stimulating, exciting way.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is empowering
Children are taught to be self-motivated, independent learners who develop growth mind sets. This enables them to develop the resilience needed to be intrigued by their mistakes and enjoy challenge, whilst fostering a life-long love of learning. We aim to empower all our children with the ability to read and use language and number effectively.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is child-centred
Where possible (and particularly in Early Years) teachers plan learning experiences that reflect the children’s own experiences and interests. Children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and work proactively to drive their critical thinking skills. We encourage children to be curious about every aspect of the curriculum, and use questioning to deepen their understanding.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is challenging
At Queensway, we believe that every child can learn and so we use appropriate challenge to enable every child to grow and progress in a language-rich environment. Children develop positive attitudes towards learning and are always eager to succeed and become the best learners that they can be.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is inclusive
Queensway Primary School is an inclusive mainstream school that caters for a diverse range of backgrounds, needs and abilities. We have worked hard to design a curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils, regardless of any barriers to learning they may have.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is supportive
Our PHSE curriculum allows children to explore issues and feelings in a safe, nurturing environment. They learn how to keep themselves healthy (physically and emotionally), safe (in the real world and the digital world) and understand how to respect the views and beliefs of others. Our dedicated staff team provide strong pastoral support for all children and this provision is further strengthened by our Family Support Manager.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is meaningful
Here at Queensway, we have a secure understanding of the need to work in close partnership with the children’s families and the local community in order to enhance our curriculum further and ensure that it remains relevant for our children. We aim to ensure that children develop a sound understanding of themselves and their place in the world around them, and we aspire to prepare them to be active citizens in adulthood. Our broad and balanced curriculum, taught through an overarching topic means that learning remains purposeful for children.
Queensway Primary School’s curriculum is dynamic
Above all, we want our children to enjoy school and make the most of every opportunity given to them. We love nothing better than seeing happy, smiling faces and know that our very best learning comes from enjoying what we do and staying actively engaged in our learning. We know that our fun, responsive and interactive learning activities make Queensway a great place to learn
Curriculum Implementation – How do we organise learning?
Throughout our curriculum we teach skills, knowledge and creativity. Children are given first hand learning experiences through a thematic curriculum. Teachers routinely activate prior learning through daily review which builds and strengthens pupils' knowledge through progressive activities. Using the development of schema, explicit teaching of subject specific vocabulary enables children to understand deeply and articulate their learning. Teachers use modelling and worked examples to demonstrate methodology, scaffolding learning appropriately to support all pupils effectively. Guided and independent practice is used to lead children through the learning process to success. Purposeful questioning engages all learners and allows assessment 'in the moment' for Teachers to address misconceptions and gauge depth of understanding.
Statutory expectations across Early Years Foundation Stage – Prime and specific areas
In Reception, children's learning is based on their own interests and projects developed around these. Key themes in the Early Learning Goals are addressed in provision areas and focus activities throughout the year depending on the project. There is a mix of teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, engaging children in a high-quality learning experience.
Statutory expectations across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – National Curriculum subjects
Additional subjects – RE (Religious Eduction), PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education), RSE (Relationships & Sex Education), e-safety
Enhancement opportunities
We have worked hard to enhance our curriculum with as many trips and visitors as possible. We believe that children learn best through experience and an enhanced curriculum is a quality curriculum. Examples of our enhancement are listed below
Curriculum Impact – How do we know we are achieving our aims?
We evaluate the impact of our curriculum on children through the following accountability measures:
Pupil voice and work show that children know more and remember more. Work by subject leaders to develop and monitor their curriculum area, in collaboration with their colleagues, shows the development of cohesive and progressive understanding as children move through school, leading to outcomes for key measures that are at least in line with or above those seen nationally.
We ensure that our children acquire the knowledge, vocabulary and skills across all curriculum areas so that they are equipped to thrive in the next stage of their education.
Ultimately, we aim to ensure that every single child has the opportunity to Explore, Discover, Inspire and Achieve - so that they Grow Every Day.