Class information:

Class: Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Doughty

Support Staff: Mrs Abbott

Email address: Year4@queenswayschool.co.uk

PE times / kit needed:

Year 4 PE is on Thursdays. Children should come to school in PE uniform appropriate for the weather.

Swimming lessons will start after the Christmas break. More information will be sent in due course.


Homework expectations:

·        Reading

Children in Year 4 should be reading regularly at home, both with an adult and independently. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week.
This should be recorded in their reading journal, which will be checked each Friday in school.

Stickers will be awarded following the traffic light system, which is also located in the front of their reading record.

Children are encouraged to read for pleasure, and may choose a book from the class library that interests them. This will be in addition to their banded reading book.


Children will be taught spellings in school time and will bring a word list home to practise each week. This does not need to be returned to school but should help them to prepare for their weekly spelling test, which will be on a Friday. They will also be regularly assessed on the Year 3 + 4 Spelling List which will be sent home in the coming weeks.


Other important information:

There is a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4 for all eligible pupils. We will practise these using TT Rockstars daily in school, but encourage regular practise, little and often, at home too.

Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y4 1.pdf .pdf
Aut 1 - Year 4 Curriculum Overview.docx .docx
Summer term overview Y4.pdf .pdf
Our science learning:
New Books!



Class information:

Class: Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Doughty

Support Staff: Mrs Abbott

Email address: Year4@queenswayschool.co.uk

PE times / kit needed:

Year 4 PE is on Thursdays. Children should come to school in PE uniform appropriate for the weather.

Swimming lessons will start after the Christmas break. More information will be sent in due course.


Homework expectations:

·        Reading

Children in Year 4 should be reading regularly at home, both with an adult and independently. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week.
This should be recorded in their reading journal, which will be checked each Friday in school.

Stickers will be awarded following the traffic light system, which is also located in the front of their reading record.

Children are encouraged to read for pleasure, and may choose a book from the class library that interests them. This will be in addition to their banded reading book.


Children will be taught spellings in school time and will bring a word list home to practise each week. This does not need to be returned to school but should help them to prepare for their weekly spelling test, which will be on a Friday. They will also be regularly assessed on the Year 3 + 4 Spelling List which will be sent home in the coming weeks.


Other important information:

There is a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4 for all eligible pupils. We will practise these using TT Rockstars daily in school, but encourage regular practise, little and often, at home too.

Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y4 1.pdf .pdf
Aut 1 - Year 4 Curriculum Overview.docx .docx
Summer term overview Y4.pdf .pdf
Our science learning:
New Books!



Class information:

Class: Year 4

Teacher: Mrs Doughty

Support Staff: Mrs Abbott

Email address: Year4@queenswayschool.co.uk

PE times / kit needed:

Year 4 PE is on Thursdays. Children should come to school in PE uniform appropriate for the weather.

Swimming lessons will start after the Christmas break. More information will be sent in due course.


Homework expectations:

·        Reading

Children in Year 4 should be reading regularly at home, both with an adult and independently. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week.
This should be recorded in their reading journal, which will be checked each Friday in school.

Stickers will be awarded following the traffic light system, which is also located in the front of their reading record.

Children are encouraged to read for pleasure, and may choose a book from the class library that interests them. This will be in addition to their banded reading book.


Children will be taught spellings in school time and will bring a word list home to practise each week. This does not need to be returned to school but should help them to prepare for their weekly spelling test, which will be on a Friday. They will also be regularly assessed on the Year 3 + 4 Spelling List which will be sent home in the coming weeks.


Other important information:

There is a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4 for all eligible pupils. We will practise these using TT Rockstars daily in school, but encourage regular practise, little and often, at home too.

Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y4 1.pdf .pdf
Aut 1 - Year 4 Curriculum Overview.docx .docx
Summer term overview Y4.pdf .pdf
Our science learning:
New Books!