Class: Year 5

Teachers: Mr Midgley (and Mrs Bennett)  

Support Staff: Mrs Holmes

Email address: year5@queenswayschool.co.uk

PE times / kit needed:

Children need to come to school in their PE kits on a Monday, which consists of black shorts / tracksuit bottoms / leggings a white t shirt and a black / navy hoodie or zip up top.  Children will be asked to remove earrings for PE lessons and must be able to do this independently. If they are unable, please ensure earrings are removed in the morning – we are unable to support your child to do this. Long hair should be tied back for PE lessons.

Homework expectations:

Spellings will be given out on Friday afternoon. Please can you encourage your child to learn their spellings at least three times a week.. They are an important part of Year 5 and it really helps the children progress, if they can learn their spellings both in school and at home.

We encourage your child to access TT Rockstars at home as much as possible. The children will benefit significantly from having a confident understanding of their times tables.

Reading expectations:

Reading should be happening every single day.  Please ensure you read with your child a minimum of 3x a week and sign their reading record book..

Your child also has a password and login for Reading Eggs. Reading Eggs is suited specifically to your child’s reading ability and it will help greatly with their comprehension skills when used regularly at home. The children do use this resource in school and they are confident to complete it independently. There is also access to spelling games which will support them in learning their spellings.

Other important information:

·        Please could you make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day.

·        Tuck shop is available to all pupils in Key Stage 2 during playtimes. These are healthy and tasty snacks and cost 30p each. If you wish your child to purchase something from our tuck shop then please ensure they have the right money with them on the day.

·        Reading records and books should be in school every day

·        We provide all the equipment your child will need during the school day. We ask that personal pencil cases, stationery and toys are left at home to avoid upset if things are lost or broken.

Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y5 1.pdf .pdf
Curriculum overview autumn 1 year 5.docx .docx
Summer term overview Y5.pdf .pdf


Class: Year 5

Teachers: Mr Midgley (and Mrs Bennett)  

Support Staff: Mrs Holmes

Email address: year5@queenswayschool.co.uk

PE times / kit needed:

Children need to come to school in their PE kits on a Monday, which consists of black shorts / tracksuit bottoms / leggings a white t shirt and a black / navy hoodie or zip up top.  Children will be asked to remove earrings for PE lessons and must be able to do this independently. If they are unable, please ensure earrings are removed in the morning – we are unable to support your child to do this. Long hair should be tied back for PE lessons.

Homework expectations:

Spellings will be given out on Friday afternoon. Please can you encourage your child to learn their spellings at least three times a week.. They are an important part of Year 5 and it really helps the children progress, if they can learn their spellings both in school and at home.

We encourage your child to access TT Rockstars at home as much as possible. The children will benefit significantly from having a confident understanding of their times tables.

Reading expectations:

Reading should be happening every single day.  Please ensure you read with your child a minimum of 3x a week and sign their reading record book..

Your child also has a password and login for Reading Eggs. Reading Eggs is suited specifically to your child’s reading ability and it will help greatly with their comprehension skills when used regularly at home. The children do use this resource in school and they are confident to complete it independently. There is also access to spelling games which will support them in learning their spellings.

Other important information:

·        Please could you make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day.

·        Tuck shop is available to all pupils in Key Stage 2 during playtimes. These are healthy and tasty snacks and cost 30p each. If you wish your child to purchase something from our tuck shop then please ensure they have the right money with them on the day.

·        Reading records and books should be in school every day

·        We provide all the equipment your child will need during the school day. We ask that personal pencil cases, stationery and toys are left at home to avoid upset if things are lost or broken.

Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y5 1.pdf .pdf
Curriculum overview autumn 1 year 5.docx .docx
Summer term overview Y5.pdf .pdf