At Queensway Primary School Wellbeing is a school priority. Our PSHE curriculum supports children in understanding their mental health and well-being. More information about what we teach and when can be found on the PSHE curriculum page. We have a dedicated pastoral team who work closely to support children and their families. Mr Duce (Headteacher), Miss Rodwell (Assistant Head Teacher), Mrs. McCarthy (Family Support Manager), and Mrs. Myland (SENDco) all work together to provide targeted support for children in school. Wider strategies include making referrals to other professionals and specialists and signposting information and organisations that can provide parents and carers with guidance and support.


Queensway Primary school is a MindMate Friendly school.

We continue to:

  • Develop an ethos and environment that supports learning and promotes the mental health and wellbeing of all.
  • Engage, consult and encourage participation of all within the school community.
  • Create an extremely effective school improvement mechanism which brings about and embeds cultural and behavioural change in schools/settings.

In addition to the Mental Health and Wellbeing unit taught as part of our PSHE curriculum, children also participate in MindMate lessons. These lessons take place on the first day back each half term and children's work is evidenced in class PSHE floor books. We teach lessons from Year 1, 3 and 5 in Cycle A. Lessons from Year 2, 4 and 6 are taught in Cycle B. These are the themes covered each term:

Autumn 1 - Feeling Good and Being Me

Autumn 2 - Friends and Family

Spring 1 - Life Changes

Spring 2 - Strong Emotions

Summer 1 - Being the Same and Being Different 

Summer 2 -Solving Problems